Sunday, 17 February 2013

Successful Team Building

In any company, it is always a good idea to have to a strong team but it doesn't often come easily. Team building, like anything else, takes time and patience but one may ask....

What are some characteristics in building an effective team?

Size and Diversity
  • Teams can range in any size but an ideal size is anywhere from 4 to 6 people. It is very difficult to be constructive and communicate in larger groups
  • It is always a great idea to have a diverse group of people on your team whether it is different gender, race, religion, social background, etc.  A diverse group provides feedback and ideas from different points of view that you might not have previously thought of. It allows for a broader range of ideas and creativity 
Agreement on Purpose and Procedures
  • Teams are typically formed with a purpose or goal in mind. It is beneficial that the team agrees and understands what the purpose of the team is and by doing so, the discussions and actions will be more meaningful
  • Having procedures and structure to the team is critical. Procedures should be set in place at the beginning before any further actions and discussions are put into place
Confronting Conflicts and Avoiding Competition
  • In a successful team, conflicts are unavoidable. It is important that these conflicts are task oriented and not person oriented, which sometimes can be. Conflict should be dealt with once it comes up (in a team or in your life) otherwise it distracts you from what you are doing and can take up much energy that could have been refocused on more productive things. It is important to "air out" the room if there are conflicts
  • As a team, try to strive to achieve the goal of the group and not just yourself. Avoid competition as it may lead to conflicts
Ethical Responsibilities
  • As a team, you have a responsibility to your company and society that your actions are ethically responsible and would not endanger anyone or anything
Shared Leadership and Good Communication Skills
  • Often in team activities, the role of the leader of the group is rotated, allowing equal opportunities for all team members to test our their leadership skills. However, in times of crisis, it is a good idea to designate one individual as the leader
  • Good communication skills are learned and it can only be improved with trial and error. This may lead to conflicts but its the act of proper communication that a team can achieve their goal. In a good team, you should be able to freely expression your opinion and even encourage each other positively. This can be done verbally or even through body language
In my opinion, all of this comes down to good and proper communication and cooperation. If you don't have the ability to communicate, none of these characteristics could happen.